Reusable Water Bottles

As society has become more environmentally conscious, we have made positive strides toward more sustainable lifestyles, adopting, for example, the use of reusable water bottles and eco-friendly products and making more moderate use of electrical energy or recycling various materials. However, not everyone adopts these types of practices, putting convenience before environmental care.
The problem is even more acute when it comes to disposable water bottles. Due to their intrinsic characteristic of being disposable, most of the time these types of bottles end up in garbage containers instead of recycling garbage cans. As a result, landfills are flooded with non-biodegradable waste, which causes air pollution.
What’s worse. In many cases, they don’t even make it to a trash can and end up on public roads, forests, beaches, rivers, seas.
Disposable plastic bottles
While these single-use water bottles offer the advantage of portability and availability for our fast-paced schedules, plastic is an environmental hazard that is wreaking havoc on the planet.
This material contains petroleum, a non-renewable resource, which triggers widespread fossil fuel pollution in both developed urban areas and natural ecosystems.
It is estimated that around 80% of these bottles are discarded rather than recycled, and, as we know, plastic takes 700 years to decompose, polluting air and oceans.
Each plastic water bottle emits 120 grams of greenhouse gases when it reaches a landfill. In addition, it is dangerous to reuse these products because they release Bisphenol-A (BPA), a toxic chemical.
Fortunately, it is not only individuals who have begun to adopt more sustainable habits; companies are also making efforts to reduce the amount of plastic waste they generate. If your company is looking for ways to be more sustainable, this guide will help you get started: How to use less plastic in the office.
Reusable silicone water bottles
Made of polycarbonate or hard plastic, these reusable and durable water bottles can be used in a variety of ways to promote sustainability and reduce plastic waste.

However, like PET bottles, this material also contains petroleum and releases potentially harmful levels of BPA, which can cause respiratory, neurological, cardiovascular, thyroid or reproductive problems.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, this synthetic compound also negatively affects the development of freshwater habitats and is not recyclable, so if the product is damaged, it ends up in landfills, generating pollution.
Silicone solves the sustainability problem of disposable water bottles, but not the biodegradable aspect.
Stainless steel reusable water bottles
While reusable water bottles made of stainless steel are highly resistant, they are among the most expensive options on the market. However, price should not be a deciding factor when purchasing one, as this material has a very long service life and withstands virtually unlimited use. The cost-benefit ratio of this type of product is very good.
It is also dishwasher safe and recyclable.
Unlike the health risks associated with silicone and other polycarbonates, stainless steel is BPA-free and meets U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) food grade standards.
Stainless steel offers sustainability and has high recycling potential, not to mention that it is one of the healthiest materials for drinking water.
Come and visit their page to know more about drinking from aluminum bottle safety.